Survey Experiments
Some of the techniques we discussed last week to reduce sensitivity bias were survey experiments. A survey experiment uses random assignment to administer different pieces of information to respondents, and then compares changes in response to a common outcome. This week, we formalize the potential outcomes framework as a way to establish functional relationships in a model. This framework is useful to understand what we can learn in experiments, survey experiments included.
The lab explores the properties of some commonly used survey experimental designs.
Tomz, Michael R. and Jessica L. P. Weeks. 2013. “Public Opinion and the Democratic Peace.” American Political Science Review 107 (4): 849-865
Eggers, Andrew C., Nick Vivyan, and Markus Wagner. 2018. “Corruption, Accountability, and Gender: Do Female Politicians Face Higher Standards in Public Life?” Journal of Politics 80 (1): 321-326
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Monday, February 12, 11:59 PM