Survey Experiments


Winter 2024

Last week

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  • We discussed and explored techniques to reduce sensitivity bias

  • Some techniques are observational (e.g. randomized response)

  • Some techniques are experimental (e.g. list experiment)

  • Today: Discuss surveys using experiments more generally

Survey experiments

Return to parallels

Theory Empirics
Model Data strategy
Inquiry Answer strategy

Return to parallels

Theory Empirics
Model Data strategy
Inquiry Answer strategy

Types of survey research design

Data strategy
Inquiry Observational Experimental
Descriptive Sample survey List experiment
Causal Panel survey Survey experiment

Types of survey research design

Data strategy
Inquiry Observational Experimental
Descriptive Sample survey List experiment
Causal Panel survey Survey experiment

Types of survey research design

Data strategy
Inquiry Observational Experimental
Descriptive Sample survey List experiment
Causal Panel survey Survey experiment

Types of survey research design

Data strategy
Inquiry Observational Experimental
Descriptive Sample survey List experiment
Causal Panel survey Survey experiment

Types of survey research design

Data strategy
Inquiry Observational Experimental
Descriptive Sample survey List experiment
Causal Panel survey Survey experiment

. . .


Survey experiments are experimental data strategies that answer a causal inquiry

Technically, list experiments are survey experiments too.

Survey experiments

  • Assign respondents to conditions or treatments

  • Usually by random assignment

  • Each condition is a different version of a question or vignette

  • Goal: Understand the effect of different conditions on the outcome question if interest

  • How does this work?

Taking a step back

  • Two ways to express functional relations in a model

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  1. Structural causal models

  2. Potential outcomes framework

Taking a step back

  • Two ways to express functional relations in a model
  1. Structural causal models

  2. Potential outcomes framework

Potential outcomes framework


  • \(i\): unit of analysis (e.g. individuals, schools, countries)

  • \(Z_i = \{0,1\}\) indicates a condition (1: Treatment, 0: Control)

  • \(Y_i(Z_i)\) is the individual potential outcome

  • \(Y_i(0)\): Potential outcome under control

  • \(Y_i(1)\): Potential outcome under treatment

Toy example

ID Female \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\)
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 1 1 1

. . .

  • \(\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\) is the individual causal effect

Toy example

ID Female \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\) \(\tau_i\)
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 1
3 1 1 0 1
4 1 1 1 0
  • \(\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\) is the individual causal effect

. . .

  • \(\tau = (1/n) \sum_{i=1}^n \tau_i = E[\tau_i]\) is the inquiry or estimand

. . .

  • We call \(\tau\) the Average Treatment Effect (ATE)

Notation chart


  • Letters like \(\mu\) denote estimands

  • A hat \(\hat{\mu}\) denotes estimators


  • Letters like \(X\) denote actual variables in our data

  • A bar \(\bar{X}\) denotes an estimate calculated from our data

\(X \rightarrow \bar{X} \rightarrow \hat{\mu} \xrightarrow{\text{hopefully!}} \mu\)


\(\text{Data} \rightarrow \text{Estimate} \rightarrow \text{Estimator} \xrightarrow{\text{hopefully!}} \text{Estimand}\)


  • We want to know the ATE \(\tau\)

  • This requires us to know \(\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\)

  • But when we assign treatment conditions we only observe one of the potential outcomes \(Y_i(1)\) or \(Y_i(0)\)

  • Meaning that \(\tau_i\) is impossible to calculate!

  • This is the fundamental problem of causal inference

Continuing the example

ID Female \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\) \(\tau_i\)
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 1
3 1 1 0 1
4 1 1 1 0

. . .

  • We can randomly assign conditions \(Z_i\)

Continuing the example

ID Female \(Y_i(1)\) \(Y_i(0)\) \(\tau_i\) \(Z_i\) \(Y_i\)
1 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 1 0 0
3 1 1 0 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 0 0 1

. . .

  • We observe outcome \(Y_i\) depending on assigned condition \(Z_i\)

  • We can use this to approximate the ATE with an estimator

Estimator for the ATE

  • Additive property of expectations:

\[ \tau = E[\tau_i] = E[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)] \\ = \underbrace{E[Y_i(1)] - E[Y_i(0)]}_{\text{Difference in means between potential outcomes}} \]

. . .

  • We cannot calculate this, but we can calculate

\[ \hat{\tau} = \underbrace{E[Y_i(1) | Z_i = 1] - E[Y_i(0) | Z_i = 0]}_{\text{Difference in means between conditions}} \]


  • If we can claim that units are selected into conditions \(Z_i\) independently from potential outcomes

  • Then we can claim that \(\hat{\tau}\) is a valid approximation of \(\tau\)

  • In which case we say that \(\hat{\tau}\) is an unbiased estimator of the ATE

  • Random assignment of units into conditions guarantees this in expectation


Tomz and Weeks (2013): “Public Opinion and the Democratic Peace”

  • Surveys in the UK (\(n = 762\)) and US (\(n = 1273\))

  • April-May 2010

  • Outcome: Support for military strike

  • 2x2x2 survey experiment

Vignette design

. . .


  • Political regime: Democracy/not a democracy

  • Military alliances: Ally/not an ally

  • Military power: As strong/half as strong


  • Political regime: Democracy/not a democracy

  • Military alliances: Ally/not an ally

  • Trade: High level/not high level

Results for democracy

Results for other factors

Eggers et al (2017): “Corruption, Accountability, and Gender”

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Profile variants

Factor MP Challenger
Party Labour, Conservative Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat
Age 45, 52, 64 40, 52, 64
Gender Male, Female Male, Female
Previous job General practitioner, journalist, political advisor, teacher, business manager General practitioner, journalist, political advisor, teacher, business manager


Next Week

Convenience Samples

Focus on: Should findings generalize?

Break time!

