Field Experiments I


Winter 2024

Last time

  • Hypothesis testing as a standard to evaluate if experiments suggest that policies works

  • We don’t know how things look when the policy work, but we can contrast with the hypothetical world in which it doesn’t work

  • We can only do this if we know how the experiment was conducted!

  • Lab: Statistical power as a diagnosand to determine if an experiment is well equipped to detect “true” effects

  • Today: Start applying these concepts to field experiments

Field Experiments

  • Field: Interventions in real world settings (vs. surveys, laboratory)

  • Experiment: Randomization determines assignment of units to conditions

  • AKA randomized controlled trials in policy or A/B testing in industry

  • Core idea: Randomization allows us to produce credible evidence on whether something works

  • In practice: A lot of implementation details and research design choices to navigate


Banerjee et al (2021): TUP program

  • Poverty trap: Most programs to help the poor improve living conditions in the short term, but revert afterwards

  • Solution: Multidimensional “big push” to overcome poverty traps

  • Evaluate long-term effect on poorest villages in West Bengal, India

Household eligibility criteria

. . .

  1. Able bodied female member (why?)
  2. No credit access

. . .

AND at least three out of

. . .

  1. Below 0.2 acres of land (about 2 basketball courts)
  2. No productive assets
  3. No able-bodied male member
  4. Kids who work instead of going to school
  5. No formal source of income

Data strategy

  • Sample: 978 eligible households

  • 514 assigned to treatment

  • 266 accepted treatment

. . .


What was the treatment?


  • Choose a productive asset (82% chose livestock)

  • Weekly consumption support for 30–40 weeks

  • Access to savings

  • Weekly visits from program staff over a span of 18 months

. . .


Why would someone reject this?

Answer strategy

  • Track economic and health outcomes after 18 months, 3, 7, and 10 years

  • Of all household members

  • Focus on average treatment effect among the treated (more in the lab)


Why does this work?

ATE on income from...
Time Livestock Micro-enterprise Self-employment Remittances
18 months 10.26 7.93 18.67 0.00
3 years 7.68 25.12 31.06 3.70
7 years 27.26 67.59 108.36 8.87
10 years 16.71 36.82 93.87 19.06

. . .

  • Takeaway: Big push works because it helps people diversify their income sources over time

Full results on Table 3 of the reading

Pennycook et al (2021): Shifting attention to accuracy can reduce misinformation online

  • Why do people share fake news in social media?

Three explanations:

  1. Confusion about accuracy
  1. Partisanship \(>\) accuracy
  1. Inattention to accuracy

Study 7: Application to Twitter

  • Studies 1-7 were all survey experiments

  • Study 7 deploys intervention on Twitter to see if priming accuracy works

  • N = 5,739 users who previously shared news from untrustworthy sources

  • Treatment: Send a DM asking to evaluate accuracy of news article

Challenge to data strategy

  • Can only send DM to someone who follows you

  • Need to create bot accounts and hope for follow-backs

  • Identify those who retweet fake news

  • Limit 20 DMs per account per day

  • 3 waves with many 24-hour blocks in each

Stepped-wedge design

AKA staggered adoption design


The size of each dot represents the proportion of pre-treatment posts from that outlet

Next Week

More field experiments

Focus on: Sections 1-3 of Diaz and Rossitter (2023) only

Break time!

